The study helps understand which products, services and technological solutions will be in the highest demand among farmers from the three countries
For investors
The study helps assess the potential and peculiarities of different blueberry market segments in the Eastern Europe, optimal production approaches and sales strategy
Study contents
1. The Eastern European blueberry market
Production of blueberries in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus
Imports and Exports of blueberries in Poland, key supplying and buying countries
Russia's imports of blueberries, key supplying countries and seasonality
Ukraine's imports and exports of blueberries in the past 5 years
Imports and exports of blueberries in Belarus in the past 5 years
2. The Ukrainian blueberry market (based on the results of survey of growers)
Ukrainian blueberry production map
Production and technological facilities of blueberry farms in Ukraine (areas, varieties, irrigation, machinery, cooling, storage, sorting, processing)
Blueberry production costs in Ukraine and planned investments (production costs, inputs and equipment, labor force, infrastructure)
Seasonality and blueberry price performance over the past three years
3. The Russian blueberry market (based on the results of survey of growers)
Russian blueberry production map
Production and technological facilities of blueberry farms in Russia (areas, varieties, irrigation, machinery, cooling, storage, sorting, processing)
Blueberry production costs in Russia and planned investments (production costs, inputs and equipment, labor force, infrastructure)
Blueberry sales in Russia (sales channels, sorting, packaging, branding, certification)
Seasonality and blueberry price performance over the past three years
4. The Belarusian blueberry market (based on the results of survey of growers)
Belarusian blueberry production map
Production and technological facilities of blueberry farms in Belarus (areas, varieties, irrigation, machinery, cooling, storage, sorting, processing)
Blueberry production costs in Belarus and planned investments (production costs, inputs and equipment, labor force, infrastructure)
Blueberry sales in Belarus (sales channels, sorting, packaging, branding, certification)
Seasonality and blueberry price performance over the past three years
5. Technological peculiarities of blueberry growing in the Eastern Europe
Groups of main varieties of highbush blueberries
Plant types for blueberry growing
Characteristics of main varieties of highbush blueberries for Eastern European countries
Selection of plantation, field management and planting
Irrigation system, requirements to water quality, irrigation plan
Plantation management, protection against pests and diseases
Berry harvesting and post-harvest handling
6.Blueberry production and trade economics, key export directions (case of Ukraine)
Threats and opportunities of the blueberry business, SWOT-analysis of a commercial project
Business-plan for a blueberry growing project (1 ha)
Business-plan for a blueberry growing project (32 ha)
Blueberry cooling, storage, sorting and packing projects
Rankings of countries with the highest potential for Ukrainian blueberry exports
Value-chain analysis of the export process for Ukrainian blueberries
7. Global blueberry trade
Global trade in blueberries
Key importing regions of the world, 5-year performance
Key exporting regions of the world, 5-year performance
8. Conclusions and forecasts
Analysis of blueberry prices in Poland, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine and Russia
Blueberry production forecast for Ukraine, Belarus and Russia for 2020 and 2025
Business-plan for 1 ha blueberry production farm (case of Ukraine);
Business-plan for 30 ha blueberry production farm (case of Ukraine);
Contacts. Direct contacts of key blueberry growers in the Eastern Europe, suppliers of plants, agrichemistry, machinery, equipment for irrigation, cooling, freezing, storage, sorting and packaging
Imports/exports of highbush blueberries in the Eastern European countries over the past few years in Excel
History of weekly wholesale prices of highbush blueberries in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus over the past few years in Excel
Multiple multi-client and ad-hoc studies of global assessment of the situation in the fruit and vegetable market and its different segments
17-year experience in fruit and vegetable market analytics
Daily monitoring of the fruit and vegetable market since 2003, unique database and own tried-and-tested practices
Regular personal communication with market players
Besides studies, Fruit-Inform offers weekly analytics and organizes business conferences; therefore, we know sector leaders personally and maintain constant communication with them
Involvement into sector developments
We assess the situation both from the statistical figures and directly form the inside thanks to constant market monitoring and personal communication
Blueberries are the leading berry crop in area expansion rates in the Eastern Europe
Blueberries have consolidated the status of the most expensive berry crop in the Eastern Europe over the past few years, and their production has been constantly growing. According to the survey of growers, 25% of Ukrainian companies increased their areas in 2020, and 57% planned to do it by 2025. Belarusian and Russian growers' plans are even more ambitious, and areas can extend by 60% and 188%, respectively. Others would maintain their plantations unchanged, and no one said of an expected reduction in areas.
Belarus will be the leader in investments in blueberry business technologies in the Eastern Europe
It is Belarus that has the lowest technological provision level among the three countries, especially in field machinery, cooling technologies and packaging. The situation in Russia is slightly better, as Russian growers have just recently started growing blueberries, and their areas take just a tenth of those in Belarus. The Eastern European leader in blueberry business’ technological provision is Ukraine, with the lowest problems observed in blueberry cooling and packaging.
Blueberry prices to remain maximum in Russia and go down significantly in Belarus
Russian blueberry production growth rates are currently too low. Meanwhile, blueberry consumption is also growing at the rates higher than production growth. Thus, blueberry prices in the Russian market fully depend on the supply of main exporters almost within the whole year. Ukraine has the longest period of minimum prices of blueberries, as, in addition to a gradual increase in areas, Ukrainian growers have started to produce these berries in greenhouses. Thus, the domestic season in Ukraine is at least a month longer than in neighboring Russia and Belarus. Belarusian blueberry production is growing, but provision of technologies is rather low, and, the higher would be the supply of unsorted and unbranded produce with no packaging and certification, the more rapid would be a fall in prices.